手机: 133-1302-8229



车行道隔离设施 The roadway isolation facilities 1.车行道隔离设施是用来分隔对向或同向行驶的交通流,并有禁止车辆左转进出行驶和行人任意穿越道路的作用,一般设置在道路中心线上或车道分隔线上。车行道隔离设施分为车行道中心隔离设施(分隔对向)和车行道分界隔离设施(分隔同向)。 1. isolation facilities is used to separate the roadway or to the traffic flow in the same direction, and prohibit vehicles left and pedestrians crossing the road driving import any role, usually set up a dividing line in the middle of the road line or lane. The roadway is divided into a central isolation facilities isolation facilities (separated to) and roadway boundary isolation facilities (to separate). 2.车行道隔离设施主要采用三种形式:绿化分隔带、隔离护栏、混凝土防撞墙。在市区范围内,优先选取的形式依次为绿化分隔带、隔离护栏;在市郊范围内,优先选取的形式依次为绿化分隔带、混凝土防撞墙、隔离护栏。 2. roadway isolation facilities mainly adopts three forms: green walls, isolation barrier, concrete anti wall. In the urban area, the priority selection forms are greening divider and barrier, and the priority ones are greening divider, concrete anti-collision wall and isolation barrier. 3.同一道路上应设置统一样式的车行道隔离设施。 3. on the same road should set up a unified style of roadway isolation facilities. 4.符合下列条件之一的新建、改建道路可设置车行道中心隔离设施: 4. in line with the reconstruction of one of the following conditions can be set, the new road carriageway center isolation facilities: (1)道路中设有高架道路、大型桥梁墩柱的地方又无其它隔离措施的。 (1) there are no other isolation measures in the road with elevated roads and large bridge piers. (2)桥梁、高架道路、立交、隧道双向交通的出入口与地面道路连接的路段。 (2) bridge, viaduct, interchange, tunnel two-way traffic entrance and the road connecting to the ground road. (3)高等级道路与一般道路双向交通连接的过渡路段。 (3) a transitional section of a two-way traffic connection between a high grade road and a general road. (4)车行道四车道及以上的单幅城市道路。 (4) four lane carriageway and above a city road. 5.桥梁、高架道路、立交桥等出入口引道处的延长线路段位置可设置车行道分界隔离设施。 5. bridges, viaducts, overpasses and other entrance guide channel at the extended line segment position can be set between the roadway isolation facilities. 6.车行道隔离设施应明显易见,端部应配置反光设施,在无照明或照明较差的路段上应全线配置反光设施,并在端部设置反光或防撞设施。反光设施和防撞设施的形式及设置请参见本指引相关章节内容。 6. isolation facilities should be obvious the roadway, the end should be configured reflective facilities, should be a full configuration without lighting or lighting reflective facilities in the poorer sections, and in the end is provided with a reflective or anti collision facilities. The form and setting of the reflective facilities and anti-collision facilities, please refer to the contents of the relevant sections of this guide.


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