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Design and processing requirements of hollow blow molding mold
The blow-moulded products must have high thermal conductivity and sufficient strength of cutting edge. At present, aluminum 70 / 75 is the most advanced alloy for making most moulds.
Because of its good machinability, the metal cavity is usually machined by machine. The copper alloy mold also has high heat transfer and good corrosion resistance. However, because of its high cost and high price, and because of its three times the proportion of aluminum, it may be worn seriously on the molding machinery. It is easy to repair with steel alloy mold by welding or mosaic.
The thermal conductivity of cast aluminum mold is worse than that of cutting aluminum mold. The cutting edge of the cavity usually needs to be broken copper alloy or stainless steel inlay, because the strength and hardness of cast aluminum can not meet the cutting edge requirements.
The cooling of blow molding products is challenging and important in mold design. The borehole cooling line is installed in the place where it is most necessary to cool down. In order to carry out better production control, most dies are designed with several independent cooling zones. The neck and bottom need to discharge the most heat, and therefore require the most effective cooling.
Cut the billet. The design depth of the cut-off area of blow-moulded products may be a major factor in the output and quality of components. The area of the cut off area is where the excess plastic enters the part when blowing. The type and shape of the blanks may determine the welding condition of a component.
Blowing mold plays an important role in blow molding, and it is the decisive factor affecting the final product quality.


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